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Gym Anxiety

January - a new year - a time when a time when many of us make New Year's resolutions, the busiest time for gyms as many of us decide now is our time to get into shape. However it seems it isn't as easy as it first seems for a lot of people. Gym anxiety - is it real and how do I over come it. Personal trainer and massage therapists Fizzeek fitness give us their thoughts.

I think it is safe to say that anxiety, in one form or another, will affect us all at some time in our lives. Whether we are anxious about a new job, a presentation we have to give or simply whether we are good enough; the feeling of anxiety can overcome us and prevent us from doing things we enjoy or even from living our lives to the full. I am not saying it is an easy thing to overcome but hopefully this short article will outline some steps you can take to make things a little easier.

So lets get down to the nitty gritty, what is gym anxiety and what can be done to help?

Gym anxiety can be a number of things and you may feel it at different times. It can be seen as the feeling you get when you think about working out, when you drive to the gym, when you enter the building or when you are using the equipment. It can be what you wear and how you look and it is more often related to what others might think. Well let me stop you there and please remember this point as you read through this article.

9 times out of 10 other people are not looking at you when you go to the gym, they are busy working out themselves. They don't care what you wear or what you look like and are more often than not there to help and encourage.

Of course you will always get one or two people who do like to poke fun at others but treat that as their issue not yours. Remember everyone has to start somewhere, everyone was "unfit" at some point and you are making the effort to change your life for the better.

  • It doesn't matter what you wear as long as you are comfortable and its not going to get in the way of you achieving your goals.

  • If you cant use the equipment ask someone, as mentioned above there is always someone who is willing to help

  • Why not try doing your workout to 5 or 6 new songs to keep you motivated

  • Go to the gym with a friend

Once you have started your fitness journey and create a new habit you will more than likely ask yourself why you got anxious in the first place so don't let anxiety stop you from starting. get your gym clothes on, and start your own journey today! and remember

People are not looking at you when you go to the gym, they are busy working out themselves. They don't care what you wear or what you look like and are more often than not there to help and encourage.

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